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Showing posts from August, 2011


Thou never hoped us freedom Esu, that Satan of old long serpent When many long years we never saw Beyond your boundary Each year we bring to you Palm wine, and palm oil to plead a cure Of massive deaths and sickness in our land From our fore-father and us and our offspring You boast to accept these all We never stopped bringing these; Cola-nut, pap-cake, goats and a virgin All that you asked for we bring Still, to you our souls are enslaved Our eyes are widely opened To see the days beyond your powers Where we know the way the way to salvation Which is free and more lasting Removing your amulets, the spirit, esu Thou Satan of old long serpent Our eyes are brightly seeing These freedoms you never gave once Without palm-oil and palm-wine Our lives are removed from your charms From your spirits and sergeants Six feet you palnted us Where we never witnessed sun shine But the missionaries have harvested us To see many brightness upon the surface And dazed at first to thirst for light...