It is not too early to plan 2018. Yes, your employer has grudgingly released your December salary which has now put you in the position of buying gifts for people, enjoying Christmas without restrictions and having loads of fun till the new year. But remember to save some cash, sufficient enough to keep body and soul through January as it always seems like two months in one. So, plan wisely. It is not too early to articulate your goals for next year. To know what skills and influence would take you a step higher. It is not too early to find those videos, courses, books, institutions and people that can help you reach your goals. You can begin the research, the cost analysis, break those big plans into micro plans that can be achieved day after day, week after week, and year after year. Success is not by happenstance: most times, you have got to be deliberate, strategic and give it all it takes. It is not too early to make yourself very happy and break free from relationships that...
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