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Showing posts from July, 2011

After school: solution or problem

Picture the life you want to live when you get out of school. The job you want to take, the family you want to raise; the kind of house you want to buy and build; the exotic cars you want to own. Holidays and resorts places you want to go. Picture life after school and think of how now, you have worked smart to get there. Can you get to that outside dreamed pictures of yours? Can you really be what you imagined in that few years to come? Have you truly earned it? But paramount of all, do you want to join what the realist call the labour market or what the religious optimist call the favour market? Whatever you call it here, the reality and figures out there prove something spectacular- the solutions you create now are the master keys that open your desired imaginations. It is one thing to have a degree and swallow a first class but the outside world is more than heaps of certificates because millions in the labour market have same or better qualifications. It is not even the con...


In the last bulletin I asked a question, “why are you in that relationship?” Here I explained that the first step to a wrong relationship is not knowing why you are in the relationship or not being able to define in clear terms individual roles and prospects in the relationship. Today I promised to write on relationships and heart breaks- why do hearts break and is there anything like a perfect relationship? Those two questions will be the topic for today but first, answer the question before you read on… thank you. I am one of the few folks that still believe in getting a partner from God no matter how archaic that idea sounds but I am equally in support of those who use their intuition to secure a partner . Both could work or fail which depend on what the parties involved do. In a relationship, there is the God part and there is the Man’s part. God will not do your duty. Even if God chooses a person for you, you still have the responsibility to work the relationship thr...