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Lady, peace of God be with thee
I have come with great tidings
With the powerful words of Christ
Bible in my hand, words full in my heart
Christ has come for the sinners not the saints

You closed the door
I opened the Bible
The devil is terrible and a wicked fellow
Christ has come for all to be saved
Fornication is a terrible sin
Sister, no sinner will inherit the kingdom of God

I convincingly talked, you innocently listened
You turned a seductive gaze
Now I am excessively dazed
Sister! Sin is destructive

The heat was much
You couldn’t bear it longer
You carefully removed your blouse
Right in my presence
The temptation was strong
I couldn’t control it further
I fell for the temptation
Right in your presence

Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
Holy fire, Holy Bible
I began to speak in tongues
Languages that only made you come closer
With one killing kiss from your lolly lips
I found myself naked with you
Jesus Christ o! Jesu Kristi o!!
I was confused over the beauty I see
I closed my eyes, I opened my eyes
‘Was I dreaming? What is happening to me?’

The devil has come with this package
The devil incarnation in the daughter of Eve
To befall this son of man
Holy Michael! Holy Gabriel!!
Yet you moved my mountains
The holy became unholy
I devoured your forbidden fruit delightfully
And my eyes were now opened

You waved a smile when I badly knew our sins
Devil is a bastard I cursed heavily
A criminal, a liar, a….
A voice echoed from within,
“Son of man
Do not blame the devil
For Flee is the only antidote
 The Bible proffers
When it comes to sex sins.”


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