And here, the devil comes
Thick darkness along his pathways
Flames followed and stench
Stars of demons bowed,
Galaxy of beasts
Vast seas of dark forces trembled
Oceans of humans sang songs of agony
Lucifer: Don’t you get
pains is my gain
constant misery is my sweet poetry
Oh, the devil himself
Grandmaster of native manipulation
Inventor of dainty deception
Bearer of slavery and chaos
‘First born of sin’
Commander in chief of battalions of principalities
Major General of evil spiritual high places
Upon the dark angels he walked
He walked in fierce magnificence
With his eyes shone thick dark-red
And his laughs were terrible as death itself
Hades worshipped, death prostrated
Sickness echoed his glory, famine spoke of his mightiness
War talked of his power, Misery declared his potentials
Lucifer: Don’t you get
pains is my gain
constant misery is my sweet poetry
Former commander-in-chief of the celestial host
Satana, you are called
Because you went aside from the right way
Sheda, you are labeled
Because you were thrown out of the heavens
Daiwa, you are crowned
Because you lost the
apparel of your glory
Lucifer: Don’t you get
pains is my gain
constant misery is my sweet poetry
O Lucifer, your thoughts in the minds of Men
To hate one another, to cheat each other
To quench that fire of love of their creator
And turn their hearts against the Saviour
Old serpent, how true is thy truth?
To deceive the father and destroy the sons
Or mystify the mother and massacre the daughters
Your mission statement forever-
To steal, to kill, and to destroy
Those glories in the image of the Creator
Lucifer: Don’t you get
pains is my gain
constant misery is my sweet poetry
O Lucifer, the old light bearer
Blind their hearts; cover their eyes
Make them see, but see not the hidden truth
Speak many words, but ignore that word of truth
Tell them what they want to hear
Not what they need to know
Make them believe but believe not the truth
For you have come, that they may have misery
And have it, in abundance
Lucifer: Don’t you get
pains is my gain
constant misery is my sweet poetry
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