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Unending Love Note

Unending Love Note Poem By Lawore Olufemi

I write on a leafy note
with an ink that prints
out my thoughts

My words of love,
spread affectionately
in colourful fonts
expressing my unmatched desire
to pitch the best spot on your heart

I write my words,
thinking neither right nor left
but with beaming smiles and eyes
seeing you in each pages,
of alphabets arranged in lines
as I paste my emotions in letters

I write of you
Of an imperfect smiles
yet beautiful for a queen and a wife
Innocent looks melting my harden heart
With soft touches like cold water
Splashed on tender body
A blessing to my soul

I have written
And won't be my last
we have futured this together
Even as we grow with kids
and build a larger family
I will still put words on paper
sharing the odds and even
moments of our days together

I will write as our sons
becomes good husbands
I will still write as our daughters
becomes virtuous wives

This ink doth not fade even as we age
to see many grand children
and watch as the little ones play
my words will be unending
In this, unfinished note

This note wont get filled up
as we spend our mornings
and nights,
spending them in wellness
and wealth
and as life walks away
beyond our footsteps
my darling, even to our old graves
you will still be the queen
that sets my passion on fire
to write this unfinished note.


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