There is a special quote that i have kept dear to my heart. I have promised to officially say the quote whenever i have the opportunity to do so but unfortunately due to usual shyness i never did say it. The quote goes thus, ‘it is a privilege to have females all around us, good to have them as sisters and friends; better to have them as mothers and best to have them as wives.’ Truly the female world rocks! They are the other gentle side of the man’s stubborn nature; they are the spiritual, emotional and sensual part of a man’s world. And whenever i hear a man shout down at a female/woman i just feel sorry for the man because hardly does he know that female is the better lens and hand through which great men can see and explore the world.
I have heard a thousand ‘female are of weaker vessels’. I doubt this not but i am pleased to enlighten my brethren that though they are of a weaker vessel, what kind of content do they have? This is one question half of men have failed to ask. This has not only created sorrow and chaos to life itself, through ignorance the life of many men have sunk deep and drown. While most men are of strong vessel, they appear weak in content. Most women are like Aluminium containers through which hydrochloric acid or any strong acid at all can be stored. The beauty of every woman is the efficacy of its container and not the ugliness of the container. Though what calls men crawling to the women are what they can see but what truly kills the men are not what they can see but the hidden poison which they never see; that which they never imagined; their spiritual ignorance. Not to forget, women are spiritual model inside! While men are like the fighting roaring lion outside, women are of a creation that are tenderly but dangerous when provoked.
Men fall not because they don’t see what is good in a woman but because they never smell the poison inside the woman’s heart. Though most men only use their heart but the women have combined the subtleness of the heart intuition with the creativity of the brain. With these two combine every man that doesn’t respect their power no matter how far ahead, falls victim of their prowess.
I believe the mind sees more than the eyes because the eyes lens are somewhat unfocused, distorted and inaccurate but the mind is more focused, more accurate and less distorted, and so for any man to make the best of life’s vision; for any man who wants to make greatness out of success it is time that that kind of man acts like man should but think as a woman should. Men would run to do things but most women will take time to study and plan for eventualities.
I must conclude with wonderful sentences that the smile of a female is more appealing than the full laughs of the men; their gentle touch permeates and relives the soul of a dying man; their suiting words are cool like winter breeze to the heart; their emotions are real and true; their feelings unpredictable and most of all a woman is always a woman though fragile in feelings but strong in perception. So let the men shut-up –the-it is a man’s world so that women will be able to teach and show them the beauty that lies in the mysterious world. This article is to show men what is deep because deep lies what is real. A true woman
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